uk online lecturemap

Information lecture “There is no incurable!”

A path to health for body and soul

Doctors, psychologists, and other specialists from the Medical-Scientific Group, together with experienced speakers from the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends, regularly hold information lectures about healing on the spiritual path.

  • Healed people report how they became healthy
  • Professionals present medically-documented healings
  • Speakers convey Bruno Gröning’s knowledge in such a way that everyone can experience his statement, “There is no incurable!”
  • Admission is free

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Last update: 09.03.25


Dokumentālā filma:
„Bruno Gröninga fenomens”

Demonstrēšanas datumi daudzās pilsētās visā pasaulē

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Grētes Häusleres izdevniecība: Plaša grāmatu, žurnālu, CD, DVD un kalendāru izvēle


Izsakās zinātnieki: Interesanti aspekti no Bruno Gröninga mācības