Healings of addiction to medication

V. S. (61), ベルリン(Berlin)ドイツ (Germany)
1966年から、3週間ごとに起こるひどい片頭痛に苦しんでいました。少なくともひどい片頭痛を幾分やわらげるために、そして仕事ができるくらいになるように私は最初から鎮痛剤Neuranidal(カフェイン)を摂取していました。 医者はずっと他の多くの薬物療法や治療にもかかわらず私を助けることができなかったので、私はもっぱらNeuranidalを摂り続けていました。大変ストレスの多い生活を送っていたので片頭痛発作はますます頻繁に起こり、80年代には2週間ごとに、そして1990年からは週に1回ありました。 強い痛みに耐えるためにますますNeuranidalが必要になりました。私は次の発作にいつもビクビクしていました。 そのため私は特に大事な約束の前には予防として錠剤を飲み、少しでも具合がよくないと感じると、すぐさま錠剤を飲むようになりました。

ニール M.C.(22歳), ダラス(アメリカ)

Healing of severe anxiety disorder and prescription drug addiction
M. J. (56), Cologne (Germany)
I smoked hashish 25 years ago for the first time, a high dose that led directly to a horror trip. I got panic attacks. Although I recovered soon afterwards, the feelings of anxiety returned suddenly about eight years later in 1979 and became worse. In 1980 the doctor prescribed Valium for the anxiety neurosis and depression. I always had to keep a tablet handy because although the severe attacks occurred seldom, they could flare up very suddenly. In the end they occurred every night, so that after 1984 I could only sleep three to four hours per night and could hardly perform my family and professional duties. At first I took the psychotherapeutic drug Lexotanil regularly but stopped taking it when it had no effect anymore. Various treatments brought no relief; I lost weight, was in complete despair and did not want to live anymore.

Healing from abuse of alcohol and prescription drugs
E. S. (48), Bremerhaven (Germany)
I was a single mother employed in a difficult job, and as a result of personal problems drank alcohol regularly since I was 27 years old (1981). I took tranquilizers and sleeping tablets daily, in double the prescribed dose. I tried several times to withdraw at home, but inevitably found that after two or three months I ended up in relapse. During these periods I used to consume one to two bottles of vodka a day over a period of two or three weeks. Normally I was fearful and depressive, but when I drank I became aggressive. I had very disturbed sleep.

Healing from alcohol and drug addiction and duodenal ulcers
S. T. (53), Springe (Germany)
After my sister's death in 1974, I had serious stomach aches with ulcers. I got tablets and injections against the severe pain. As no improvement occurred, gastric examinations were made in regular intervals. The diagnosis was chronic stomach and duodenal ulcer. I should learn to live with recurrent ulcers. After 20 years of pain (1994) I was totally down and had no more hope. I pepped myself up with alcohol. At first it was wine, later schnapps and finally I drank up to 2/3 quart daily. With the daily alcohol consumption I became unreliable and lost my job. Additionally I took lots of painkillers and tranquilizers, among others Valium.