
エーデルトラウト・カール(54) ドイツ、バイロイト
Healing of lymphoma in the stomach
Lina W. (78), Bremen (Germany)
Over a three-month period in 1991 I suddenly lost 10 kilos. I simply could not eat any longer. I was admitted to hospital where cancer of the stomach was diagnosed. (The detailed diagnosis was: Highly malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Primary location: stomach) I was advised to have an operation, followed by chemotherapy. I refused this because I had experienced the death of my daughter and both sons-in-law from cancer after chemotherapy. Against medical advice, I left hospital to die at home. When I had been home a few days I was astonished to realise that my appetite had returned. One night I suddenly had intense pain for two hours in the region of my stomach, and then it was gone again as rapidly as it had come. I had never experienced anything like this before. My appetite continued to increase, and by December I could eat everything and had regained my former weight. Every sign of tiredness and weakness had vanished.
Soon after Christmas, Mrs. U., a nursing sister who lives in my building, told me that she had tuned in for me in accordance with the teachings of Bruno Gröning. In January 1992 I accompanied her to an introductory talk, and since then I have regularly attended the community meetings. I have had no recurrence of my problems. To the great surprise of my doctors, a follow-up examination showed no sign of a cancerous growth in my stomach. It had simply disappeared.