
私はすでに何年もの間、便秘または下痢を伴う消化障害に苦しんでいました。 2002年5月、医者は過敏性腸症候群と痔核と診断し、それについて何もできないと私に伝えました。そこで私は痔が消えることを期待してとても慎重に食事療法を計画しました。しかしそれは功を奏しませんでした。痔は時々後退し、その後また強くなりました。肉やファーストフードを食べると、痔核が悪化しました。便が硬くなるからです。痔がとてもひどく痛むので、私は困難で座ることしかできず、歩くときにも困りました。それでも私はその状態に慣れ、すぐにその病気を日常的な問題と見なしました。ブルーノ・グルーニングの教えの入門案内を受ける1年前、私は血便があるのに気づきました。治癒前は、外痔核の痛みは特にひどいものでした。軟膏や座薬は使用せず、またバスタブを利用できなかったので、座浴もしませんでした。
Healing of haemorrhoids
Mrs A. S. (58), St. Veit (Austria)
I had a haemorrhoid problem for eight years and my bowel movements were very painful. At night I often had spasmodic pains and haemorrhoidal bleeding. Various ointments and suppositories brought only temporary relief. The medical diagnosis was internal haemorrhoids.
In January 1990 I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning. Since then I have had no further pains.
Healing of haemorrhoids
Mrs M. D. (61), Ingolstadt (Germany)
From 1949 I suffered from external haemorrhoids. They often bled very badly. Frequently I had great pain, especially if my stools were firm or I was sitting. I applied ointment or olive oil to ease the condition.
I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning in July 1991. Since then I no longer have a haemorrhoid problem. Sitting or passing the hardest stools is also no longer a problem. There has been no more bleeding. I am very happy about this.
Healing of haemorrhoids
Mrs I. H. (63), Bebra (Germany)
For thirty years I continually had a problem with haemorrhoids. The nodes were both internal and external and extremely itchy. Sometimes they also bled. If my stools were hard, the haemorrhoids were very painful. My doctor prescribed both ointments and suppositories and I continually tried new ones. They only eased my condition somewhat but did not heal it.
For Christmas 1986 I was given a book about Bruno Gröning as a present. I devoted myself to his teachings and after some time the itching stopped and I discontinued ointments and suppositories. I no longer have any bleeding and am completely without problems.
Healing of haemorrhoids
Mrs A. M. (45), Dortmund (Germany)
Five years ago I started to have stabbing and shooting pains on the outside of my anus, particularly when I had a bowel movement but also when sitting, lying or walking. My doctor diagnosed haemorrhoids and prescribed ointments and suppositories. However, these did not help much and my doctor recommended an operation. I declined this so my problem continued.
I was introduced to the teaching of Bruno Gröning in November 1993. From then the pains gradually decreased and since the spring of 1994 I have been problem-free. I can go to the toilet, sit, walk and lie without pain. I no longer need medication.
Healing of haemorrhoids
Mrs A. P. (47), Stuttgart (Germany)
For 15 years, and approximately 5 or 6 times a year I had haemorrhoid problems - a painful, itchy and burning anus and bleeding if my stools were hard. This condition lasted several days each time.
During my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in October 1989, I had extraordinarily severe pain in my anus. The pains recurred at shorter intervals than before, but they were not so intense and six months later I was healed.