オリンピアダ・ニコラエヴナ・オディノコワ(70), オデッサ(ウクライナ
オリンピアダ・ニコラエヴナ・オディノコワ(70), オデッサ(ウクライナ
は、最高250/120 mm Hgの血圧がありました。副作用は特に不快で、頭痛、吐き気、めまいがありました。薬袋が私の親友となり、錠剤と薬の点滴数を数えることから私の一日は始まりました。1984年と1998年に、重度の心筋梗塞を患いました。その後、不整脈があり、私の脈は1分につき40と120拍子の間で揺れ動き、それに耐える以外、何もすることができませんでした。足には浮腫もでき、常に呼吸困難がありました。このため、2本の杖を使って20メートル歩くのがやっとで、すぐに休憩が必要な状態でした。
1998年11月7日、入門案内の間にとても強力なハイルシュトロームを感じ、その日以来、全く薬物治療の必要がなくなりました。高血圧からの自然治癒を受け取り、それ以来、私の血圧は140/70から145/80 mm Hgの値です。頭痛はなくなり、心拍数も1秒当たり64-68拍の正常値になりました。その後の6か月間で、足と腰椎の痛みは消え、呼吸困難と足の浮腫はもう過去のものです。
今は、一度に6~8 km歩く事ができ、さらに、毎朝エクササイズをします。一人で何の苦もなく家事ができます。ダンスもできます。30年前に踊っていた時よりも若いと感じています。
B. S. 医師,ベルリン
Healing of hypertension (high blood pressure)
Mrs E. S. (70), Hannover (Germany)
For eight years I suffered from high blood pressure. I perspired very strongly all the time and often felt dizzy. My blood pressure was 190/120; initially it was 220. Despite medication my diastolic pressure was seldom below 100.
About seven months after I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning I was able to stop taking my tablets. My regular control tests established that my blood pressure was 130/90 and eventually this became 110/80. Since then my blood pressure is quite normal.
Healing of hypertension (high blood pressure)
Mrs L. T. (59), Meschede (Germany)
From 1983 I suffered from high blood pressure. My systolic pressure ranged between 260 and 280, the diastolic, between 95 and 110. In spite of medical treatment my systolic pressure remained between 160 and 180. I often felt a pressure in my head and was dizzy and tired; in addition, whether I was standing still or walking, I was unsteady on my feet.
In the spring of 1988 I joined the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends. About three weeks later my family doctor checked my blood pressure; it was 155/70. Even after I stopped taking my hypotensors, my control examinations to date continue to record normal readings of 155/70. My other problems have also stopped.
Healing of hypertension (high blood pressure)
Mr R. E. (50), Graz (Austria)
In 1976 I was diagnosed as having a severe kidney problem. This raised my blood pressure to 220/140. Despite medication (Captopril, Minipress, Atenolol and Nifedipine) my pressure did not drop below 180/115. In 1985 I had a kidney transplant; my blood pressure was unchanged. In 1990 I had a stroke.
Since my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in January 1991, I absorb the healing stream every day. In May 1991 I stopped taking medicines. From then until now my blood pressure has remained around 130/85, which is normal.
Healing of hypertension (high blood pressure)
Mrs E. G. (64), Heidelberg (Germany)
The year preceding my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning my blood pressure was often around 180/110, 170/110 and every day I took the hypotensor Propranolol, which brought about no lasting improvement.
About a year after my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in November 1989, my blood pressure was down to 130/90 and since then it has remained at this level without medication.
Healing of hypertension (high blood pressure)
Mrs R. R. (70), Saarbrücken (Germany)
For 25 years I suffered from hypertension. My blood pressure was 240/120. Every day I took the following medicines: Isoptin, Clonidine and Vesdil (anti-cholinesterase inhibitor).
Since my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in July 1991, the control examinations made by my doctor show that my blood pressure is normal and I no longer need medication.
Healing of hypertension (high blood pressure)
Mrs M. B. (54), Wegberg (Germany)
For years I suffered from high blood pressure (180/100). My doctor treated me with Captopril, but in the course of time my pressure rose to 225/100. I often had a splitting headache (pressure in the back of my head) for which I took 20-30 tablets of Thomapyrin (acetaminophen, Aspirin, Vitamin C) a week.
About four weeks after my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning my blood pressure was 140/90 and so it has remained although I stopped taking hypotensors. I have never had a headache since then either.