Healing from chronic pain after a bad accident
Thieu van Deuren (63), Weert (Netherlands)
At the age of 23 (in 1965) I had an auto accident. My left thigh was shattered. Because of my generally bad health they could only operate a month after the accident; my father had prevented an amputation. In the middle of my left thigh about ten centimetres of bone was really crushed. The surgeon inserted a steel bar from the knee to the hip. Afterward I had terrible pain. They told me I had to learn to live with that.

Healing of a broken rib within 11 days
Joe Aarts (64), Maastricht (Netherlands)
On May 5, 2010, I slipped on the bathroom floor after showering and landed with the right side of my body on the edge of the wooden footboard. Although it hurt a lot, I went to bed that night as usual. The next day, during a fit of coughing, I felt a distinct crack and immediately thought, “Now something is broken”.
Healing of stiffness of the toe after a fracture
Mrs Th. L. (56), Wegberg (Germany)
Eleven years ago I broke my left foot. After the X-ray, the doctor told me that the bone of my big toe had splintered. I was in plaster for six weeks. Afterwards I could walk but my big toe remained stiff. This meant that I could not walk in a heel-to-toe fashion but had to put my foot down flat.
In December 1985 I was introduced to a Bruno Gröning community. Since Whitsun 1987 I have been able to use my foot normally and bend my big toe again. It is no longer stiff.
Healing of restricted mobility after a fracture of the upper arm
Mrs L. T. (59), Meschede (Germany)
In February 1986 I fell in the street and afterwards I had severe pain in my left arm, especially in the shoulder joint. Some time later an X-ray revealed an intracapsular fracture which had healed incorrectly. Because of this I could only raise my arm to chest height and this only with great pain. I resigned myself to the fact that neither help nor healing was possible and took early retirement.
In the spring of 1988 I joined the Circle of Friends and six weeks later I was fully healed. Now I can move my arm quite freely again.
Healing of chronic pain after a fracture of the ankle
Mrs B. S. (48), Olpe (Germany)
During the winter of 1979 I twisted my left foot on the ice and broke my ankle. Some time after the operation, the joint showed signs of wear. This was so painful that on certain days I could not walk and had to have my doctor certify that I could not go to work. He diagnosed arthritis and could only advise me that I could move my ankle but should not put strain on it.
This continued for five years, but when I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in February 1988, there was an immediate improvement in my condition. Already in December of that year I could walk properly, the pains had gone and now my foot withstands maximum pressure.