Healings of ADD / ADHD

Jan-Lasse R. (14)

Healing of behavioral disorder and lack of self-esteem

J. R. (14), Germany

Mrs. R. reports: “J. is my third child. My two daughters never exhibited behavioral problems. At the age of eighteen months my son began to bite me in the morning while I was still sleeping. He also bit other children. It was a way of making contact. He would throw building blocks at his grandfather. When J. didn't get his way he would throw himself on the floor, scream, cry, beat his head on the floor and try to hide somewhere. I was a single parent at the time and often unable to cope. Nothing would stop J. except for a slap on the face - for me the worst thing and a last resort. Later a lack of self-esteem came to the fore. When something didn't go well he would become profoundly desperate.



Film Dokumenter:
Bruno Gröning"

Data pemutaran film di banyak kota di seluruh dunia

Grete Häusler-Verlag

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Para ilmuwan berbicara: Aspek yang menarik dari ajaran Bruno Gröning