Healings of facial paralysis (Bell’s palsy)

Healing of facial palsy (Bell's palsy)

Mrs E. N. (59), Düsseldorf (Germany)

In 1987, from one day to the next, I suddenly developed intense pain and paralysis in the right side of my head. My face was completely distorted, my right eye hung out and my mouth was crooked, so that I could only eat with the help of my hands. Due to the continuous pain, I could no longer sleep properly. My doctor diagnosed Bell's palsy and said that my condition was permanent. Medication was no help.

After my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in 1990, I experienced healing progressively. I no longer have pain and can sleep again. My eye is back in position and my mouth is normal. I can eat without the help of my hands and my speech is normal.


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Bruno Gröning"

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Para ilmuwan berbicara: Aspek yang menarik dari ajaran Bruno Gröning