Healing from 40 years of constant migraines
Frau Verica Jovanovic (62), Split (Croatia)

In 1966, at the age of 20, I got the first severe headaches, which appeared after my night shift. I am a nurse by profession and care for the patients after operations. This work carries a lot of responsibility and is very demanding, above all at night. The headaches would appear once a week after every night shift, extending from my forehead to the temples.
No longer any hope of freedom from pain
I felt a deep, painful pressure, at times also piercing and pulsating strongly, which would get worse when bending over, with every movement of my head, and with physical exertion. I would become nauseous and have attacks of sweating when speaking or listening. During the following years the headaches would come up to five or six times a month. During my monthly periods and long trips, and after a strenuous day, the pain would appear. However, I didn’t bother with medical help. I bought various painkillers in the pharmacy, taking up to five or more tablets daily, which only helped temporarily. As a result of these frequent severe headaches, I had difficulty keeping house and performing at work. I was only able to sleep after larger doses of painkillers and sleeping pills. I turned down outings and trips. I avoided activities with friends and visits with relatives. I felt listless, lacked vitality and energy. I no longer had any hope that I could ever be free from pain.
Peace and relaxation after viewing the documentary film
In October, 2007 I saw on local television station a reference to the documentary film “The Phenomenon Bruno Gröning,“ which I saw on November 4, 2007. I took in the wonderful music and words of Bruno Gröning and felt peace and relaxation. On the third day thereafter I was introduced to the teaching of Bruno Gröning.
Good advice
During the introduction, I perceived a tingling in my fingers and toes, pressure pain in my head and pain in my upper and lower spine. Following the advice of the community leader, I separated myself inwardly from the ailment.
Belief in the Regelungen
I regularly attended the community hours and conferences and busied myself with the teaching of Bruno Gröning. In the evenings I did einstellen for up to an hour. Sometimes I had pain in my head, legs, spine and other places in my body. I believed in Regelungen. During the first three months after the introduction, I had bearable headaches three times which lasted three to four hours. I didn’t have to take any painkillers. In mid-February, 2008, I woke up one morning after a very strenuous work day with a severe, pulsating, pressing headache. I had the feeling as if someone had put a wire noose around my head which got tighter and tighter.
For a moment there were thoughts about whether it was all going to start over again, but I immediately rejected them. I did einstellen, asked Bruno Gröning for help, and continued to believe in Regelungen, even though the pain was getting more and more severe, along with nausea and sweating. Shortly thereafter the pain gradually let up and finally disappeared completely.
To live free from ailments
I felt an inner peace and lightness. Since that morning I have had no more headaches; I live free and without complaints. I handle my housework with ease, full of energy and vitality, manage my duties at work, go on trips again and meet with relatives and friends. I thank God and Bruno Gröning with all my heart for this great healing.
Doctor’s commentary:
As a physician I can confirm that it was in no way to be expected that the severe and frequent headaches (with all their described attendant symptoms) which had gone on for over 40 years and for which various painkillers had been taken without medical supervision, would simply disappear Such a course is contrary to the rules of orthodox medicine and absolutely not to be expected, and I see a connection between it and doing einstellen and regular absorption of the divine healing energy.
K. Dujmovic, M.D.