Healing from urinary incontinence
Maria Vobel (64), Treuchtlingen (Germany)

I had suffered from weakness of the bladder since an operation in the lower abdomen in1980. At first I kept having bladder inflammation. As time went on I developed a lasting weakness of the bladder. I felt strong pressure in my bladder so that I had to urinate 20 to 25 times a day. When running fast, coughing, or when I had to jump, urine would run out uncontrollably. Sometimes I would have to change my underwear several times a day, even though I used inserts.
No longer a normal life
Earlier I had liked to take short bus trips. This was no longer possible because of my ailment. I only went for long walks alone because it was embarrassing for me to have to go behind the bushes so often in the presence of other people. In Nuremberg, where I lived at the time, I knew the location of all the public toilets in the area where I went shopping. Often I was able to hold out for a maximum of three stops on the subway. At lectures I always sought an aisle seat, which gave me quick access to the exit. When we drove to our holiday home about an hour’s drive away, my husband would often have to stop. On some days it was so bad that I wasn’t able to leave the apartment at all. However, I never mentioned these problems to a doctor, even though I was continually visiting doctors in the early 1980s for other ailments. I took no special medication.
An initial sign
In the magazine “Bio” I read a report on healing on the spiritual path through the teaching of Bruno Gröning. I wrote to the address provided and was contacted by the community leader responsible for me. In the year 2002 I attended an information lecture on the teaching of Bruno Gröning, but wasn’t able to really understand what it was all about. Therefore I didn’t concern myself further with it and had no further contact with the Circle of Friends.
A second contact
For several months I commuted between Nuremberg and my present apartment. During this time I received a surprising telephone call from my community leader. She arranged for me to attend a community hour in my new area of residence. Since an acquaintance of mine was very sick at the same time and I wanted to help him, I accompanied him in December, 2006, to the introduction, which was also my own introduction.
Separating myself from the illness
At first I only attended the community hours sporadically - but then later regularly - and I did einstellen* two to three times daily. After a while I also took on the task of translating Hungarian / German in the Circle of Friends. On March 7, 2009, I attended a meeting of the Friends in Bavaria. Shortly beforehand I was worried about whether I could hold out during the drive. During this same period I was reading a youth book of the Circle of Friends “1001 Ways” and learned that the many seekers of help in Herford during Bruno Gröning’s lifetime would often have no hunger or thirst for days and that “other needs” also didn’t arise. I regarded that as a “hint from above” and thought, “If it worked for those people, why not also for me?” Then I mentally asked Bruno Gröning to free me from the bladder weakness for this day and did einstellen for it. And the unbelievable happened. On that day I only had to go to the toilet three times. I was profoundly grateful for that.
Forgetting the illness
Eight weeks later I attended a conference of the Circle of Friends in Rosenheim. While a lady on the stage was telling of her healing from bladder incontinence, I almost fell out of my chair. I had completely forgotten the illness! Only at this moment was it clear to me that I, too, had received healing. Since that special day, March 7, 2009, I have been well. I was speechless over the way that not only the illness, but even the thought of it, as well, had simply been taken from me.
Back to a normal life
I am very happy and grateful that I can now go on longer drives and bus journeys again. At community hours or conferences I can also now easily sit in the center or to the front because I no longer need a seat near the exit. Since then I have simply felt free to be able to do everything again without having to continually direct my attention to toilet-seeking. And so it has remained. I thank God and Bruno Gröning with all my heart for this healing.