Healing of Lymphoma

Edeltraud Carl (54), Bayreuth (Germany)

Edeltraud Carl (54), Bayreuth (Deutschland)


I had a tumor in the parotid gland. A subsequent medical examination revealed that I was suffering from a cancer, known as non-Hodgkin lymphoma (lymph node cancer). This caused pain in the left side of my face. The parotid gland was removed in February 1993. Further examinations revealed that it was an incurable form of cancer that had already spread to the bone marrow. I was quite frightened after getting this diagnosis. I felt desperate, suffered from severe insomnia and mood swings. I was prescribed 25 radiation treatments. These had a terrible effect on me. I suffered from hair loss, fungal infections in my feet and mouth and a lack of red blood cells. I felt very tired and had no energy. In addition to this, it took months for wounds to heal. In June 1993 I was sent to a convalescent center. However this did not lead to any notable improvement. In August another cancerous tumor was diagnosed in the right groin. I had surgery in October, but I declined further radiation treatment.

How I came to the teaching of Bruno Gröning

I went to an information lecture about healing on the spiritual path through the teaching of Bruno Gröning at the Esoteric Fair in Bayreuth in 1993. I felt pain during the entire lecture. After my stay in the convalescent center I was introduced to the teaching of Bruno Gröning in September, went to the community hours regularly and also took in the Heilstrom at home.


Until 1998 I continued to have swollen lymph nodes in the groin, under my arms and in my abdomen. These swellings were the size of a fist, quite painful and bluish-red in color. They would disappear again without any kind of treatment after about four weeks. Four to six weeks later they would appear up again someplace else. I was able to see these as Regelungen. I also frequently had liver pain and problems with my kidneys. A medical examination in December 1998 didn’t show any abnormal findings.

I can hardly find the words to describe the emotions I felt during this development in my life up to my full healing of cancer. I was on the verge of death, and now I am a cheerful, happy person once more. I am endlessly grateful to God for the grace that was given me.

Physician’s Commentary

Mrs. Carl was diagnosed with a highly malignant lymphoma (non-Hodgkin lymphoma stage IVA). Tumor metastases in the parotid gland and in the groin were surgically removed. After surgery the area of the parotid gland was treated with radiation. Mrs. Carl declined having further radiation treatment or chemotherapy. The initial diagnosis revealed that the cancer had spread to the bone marrow. Mrs. Carl was introduced to the teaching of Bruno Gröning in September l993. A CT scan of the abdomen in 1998 showed no evidence of a recurrence of the tumor. The blood count has remained stable throughout the whole period of observation to the present day, indicating the regression of bone marrow infiltration. As a rule, patients with this type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma are given no more than two more years to live after diagnosis. It remains medically inexplicable that Mrs. Carl finds still herself in the best of health today (after nine years).

M.K., Physician



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