Healing from addiction to prescription drugs

V. S. (61), Berlin (Germany)

V. S. (61), Berlin (Deutschland)

From 1966 on, I had suffered from severe migraines that appeared every three weeks. To at least be able to relieve the severe headaches somewhat and be as fit as possible for work, I took the pail pills Neuranidal (with caffeine) from the beginning. Since in the following years the doctors were unable to help despite many other medications and treatments, I kept taking Neuranidal exclusively. Because I lead a very stressful life, the migraine attacks came increasingly often - already every two weeks in the eighties and from 1990 on once a week. To be able to endure the great pain at all I needed more and more Neuranidal. I lived in constant fear of the next attack. Therefore I began to take the pills preventively before especially important appointments or as soon as I felt slightly unwell.

The consumption increases

Without the pills I wasn't able to cope with my life at all. But since Neuranidal was freely obtainable, I could pick up a supply of the tablets anywhere. Around 1990 I suddenly got severe shortness of breath that led to fear of suffocation and death. This shortness of breath would disappear only when I took Neuranidal. It reoccurred every two or three hours and immediately led to a daily consumption of up to seven tablets. One of the doctors treating me advised me at the very beginning, "Mrs. S., I recommend that you keep a pain-pill diary." I kept a record and with the help of this information I was able to easily calculate that from 1966 to 1995 I had taken around 25,000 Neuranidal tablets.

Inner resistance against all kinds of pain pills

In May, 1995, I saw a television program on alternative healing methods in which Bruno Gröning friends from Berlin told of their healings. Included was a healing from migraines that had lasted for 30 years. Afterward I immediately wrote to the address given and was introduced in June, 1995. Three days after a conference of the Circle of Friends in August, 1995, the shortness of breath had completely disappeared the next morning and for good. I simultaneously felt a sudden inner resistance against all kinds of pain pills. From that day on I was able to endure even the most severe pain without pain pills, something that had not been at all possible before. From September 1, 1995 until today I have not taken a single pain pill.

Medical commentary:

From the age of 20 on, Mrs. S. had suffered from migraine-like headaches about every three weeks. From the beginning she took the medication Neuranidal (active ingredients: acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and caffeine) to suppress the pain. As a result of stress and ever-increasing migraine attacks she used the medication more and more, in the end also out of a fear of important meetings. When she was 44 the regular dose was increased to up to seven tablets per day. Finally symptoms of shortness of breath and feelings of suffocation appeared when she didn't take the tablets for several hours. At 49 she was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning and did einstellen regularly twice a day. Two months later the urge to take the painkillers disappeared and the severe physical symptoms also disappeared from one day to the next. Today she has been free from consumption for going on 11 years, even though during the first years the headaches had continued. Such a healing, such a spontaneous and subsequently lasting ability to endure pain without, for example, psychotherapy can be medically described as "extraordinary".


Film documentaire:
« Le phénomène
Bruno Gröning »

Dates des projections dans de nombreuses villes du monde entier

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Des scientifiques prennent la parole: Points de vue intéressants sur l’enseignement de Bruno Gröning