Healing from Sudeck‘s atrophy of the right foot
Velitschka Georgieva Schakanska (45), Bulgaria

Actually, everything should have been all right after a good three weeks in a plaster cast and the subsequent physical therapy. I had broken my right foot in October, 2004. Everything pointed toward a good healing process. However, in January, 2005 I suddenly got very severe pain in the same foot. The doctors told me it was Sudeck's atrophy. In spite of the pain medication and additional physical therapy, continual pain restricted my movement considerably.
Then, when at the end of May I also had pain in my knee, I was only able to walk about 100 yards before the pain in my foot and knee became so unbearable that I had to stop and wait until the pain eased up. Since I kept having to stop, even the short distance to the physical therapy seemed like an eternity to me. Even at home I avoided moving about whenever possible. Because of the swelling of my foot and the pain I had to tie my shoes very loosely.
Spontanheilung während dem Vortrag
On June 8, 2005, I learned through a magazine article of a lecture on spiritual help and healing through the teaching of Bruno Gröning. I attended despite very severe pain. With great effort I struggled down the three steps into the room. Some kind people I didn't know immediately brought me a chair when they noticed how difficult it was for me to walk. To my astonishment the pain decreased during the lecture. I could hardly believe it. When I went home I had absolutely no more pain at all! I was pain-free the next day, too. I didn't have to take any painkillers the whole day long. Out of pure joy I did more walking than I had done the entire previous week.
On June 9, 2005, I went to another lecture. The pain came back again, but only for a short time. When the lecture was over this pain, too, had disappeared. I was able to tie the shoe on my right foot normally again. The shoe fit very loosely, which hadn't been the case for nine months. I no longer had a swollen foot, nor pain, and since then I have been able to walk entirely normally again.
Medical commentary:
The Sudeck's atrophy resulting from a broken bone in the right foot had existed for about nine months, but despite treatment had continually worsened. That it disappeared completely and permanently during and after the lecture visits cannot be medically explained and is not in accord with the expected course of the disease./p>