Healing of gambling addiction

Heilung von elf Jahren Spielsucht

Healing from 11 years of gambling addiction

A. G. (36), Austria

Starting at the age of 22 I went at least three to five times a month to a casino to try my luck at the slot machines. During my first visit at a casino I had won the considerable sum of around 2,500 Euro. After that I wanted to win more and more. I simply couldn't resist this urge. It often happened that I would overdraw my bank account in this way. I lost my self respect and got the feeling of having failed or that I wasn't strong enough to give it up. When I realized two years later what I was really doing, it was too late.



Η ταινία ντοκιμαντέρ:
«Το φαινόμενο Bruno Gröning»

Ημερομηνίες προβολών σε πολλές πόλεις παγκοσμίως

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Εκδόσεις Grete Häusler: Μεγάλη ποικιλία βιβλίων, περιοδικών, CD, DVD και ημερολογίων


Οι επιστήμονες έχουν το λόγο: Ενδιαφέρουσες απόψεις της διδασκαλίας του Μπρούνο Γκρένινγκ