Healings of disabilities after chemotherapy

Healing from Polyneuropathy of the legs after chemotherapy and radiation treatment

Gertrud M. (62)

When I learned from a friend of the teaching of Bruno Gröning, I was emotionally and physically a human wreck. It was in December 2001. What did this Bruno Gröning have to say to me? I had always believed in God and also prayed, however what I then experienced was new to me. They said I should separate myself from everything bad for me. I did that mentally and was actually able to perceive the Heilstrom. This feeling of absorption of energy was strangely familiar to me.

اِقرأ المزيد...


الفيلم الوثائقي
Bruno Gröning”

مواعيد عرض الفيلم في العديد من المدن عالميا

Grete Häusler-Verlag

دار نشر Grete Häusler: عرض كبير لكتب ومجلات وأقراص CD و DVD وتقاويم


فرصة التعبير للعلماء: جوانب جديرة بالاهتمام عن تعاليم برونو غرونينغ